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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dangerously in Love With Beyonce's Diet

Even if you are the reigning queen of hip-hop, properly instructing boys to "put a ring on it," you occasionally need to slim down and shape-up. Life on the road and long strings of late night performances take their toll-too much late-night deliciousness and too little exercise add toxins and pounds to a hip-hop diva's most precious assets. When you top the charts, requests, and popularity polls, however, you need brook no nastiness; you have earned the right to feel your palette pleased even as you detoxify and regain your fitness. Wisely reformulating the traditional "Master Cleanse" to make it far more palatable without compromising its effectiveness, "Beyonce's Diet" has all the same antioxidant circulation- and immunity-building properties of the original detox formula, but Beyonce and friends have made it taste good. In some ingenious variants of Beyonce's diet, nutritionists have compressed all the vital cleansers and nutrients into tablet form.
Still, in Beyonce's cover of the original lemonade detox, the essentials remain intact. In its liquid version, Beyonce's unofficial formula substitutes acai berries and liberal quantities of cranberry juice for lemonade. Ounce for ounce, acai berries pack more free-radical fighting antioxidants than any other fruit on earth. Better still, taste for taste, acai berries pack more delectable deliciousness than any other fruit mankind yet has discovered. Meanwhile, cranberry juice reinforces the acai's antioxidant benefits and contributes to urinary health. Flavorless and odorless, capsaicin tablets easily blend into the mix, delivering all the cleansing and circulation-boosting benefits of cayenne pepper without the sting and subsequent numbness. For a touring hip-hop star, capsaicin also provides effective relief for aching joints and very sore muscles-dancing does, after all, put more stress on muscles and joints than running a marathon. Capsaicin helps.
Complementing acai berries, cranberry juices, and capsaicin tablets, Beyonce's diet includes lots of farm-fresh anthocyanins-the properly scientific term for "purple fruits." Mixed in yogurt or served as a natural sweetener for high-fiber cereals, blueberries, raspberries, and grapes complement almost everything. Of course, apples and strawberries work right into the routine, too, providing energy-boosting complex carbohydrates just as organic maple syrup did in the original master detox blend.
Every legitimate discussion of Beyonce's diet includes a proper disclaimer: Beyonce has not endorsed any single diet plan or brand of cleansing and healing products. Correct discussion of Beyonce's diet stresses the fact that she wholeheartedly endorses the concept of cleansing fasts and antioxidant dieting, and they affirm widespread claims that she did lose between twenty and thirty pounds over the course of a six-week cleanse. She felt she needed to lose weight and restore her fitness in anticipation of a demanding movie role, but she stayed loyal to dancing as her exercise-of-choice, recognizing dance's obvious cardio-vascular benefits, but really taking advantage of the fun factor built into music and dancing. Sports psychologists, kinesiologists, and nutritionists unanimously agree that athletes and amateur exercises enjoy far greater chance of success when they sustain health initiatives alloyed with heavy doses of the fun factor. As one expert wisely points out, "Your fundamentally human nature does not change as you wash away free radicals and damaged cells. If it feels like pain and punishment, your whole being will shift into overdrive to avoid it. But if it feels like fun and leaves you generally feeling great, your whole self aggressively will go after more."
Dispensing with distaste in favor of good flavor, and maximizing the fun in exercise, Beyonce's diet practically and purposefully sets the stage for staying with the program, cleansing the body, washing away pounds, and growing stronger and healthier. All good.
Bianca Worsley is a health expert. For more great tips on Beyonce's Diet and a Master Cleanse please visit

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